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Medprax supplies essential data to the medical and allied professions. The Medprax data files are in use throughout South Africa and Namibia and are available in any format. Products include; Medicine data, Material data, Medical Aid data, Formularies, Nappi Codes, MMAP Lists, and Generic Codes.

The files cater for all exclusions, as well as generic cross mappings. Implementation is quick and easy and simply requires you to enter the activation code supplied by Medprax to access facilities such as the ICD10 cross-link tables.

Medprax files can be updated onto our systems automatically or electronically. For further information contact Medprax. We recommend that the Medprax File Service be installed with each Health Focus product.

Updating medicines and materials, and more ..

The Medprax ICD10 Browser is an easy and intuitive application that enables you to quickly look-up any ICD10 code on a word, phrase or code. You can build a favourites list that can be exported or printed.

The ICD10 data contains codes, long descriptions, short descriptions, external cause codes, asterisk and dagger codes, advisory notes, Chronic disease list and PMB indicators. The Browser is available as a download from with a free trial period before registration. Registration will licence you for installation on three computers.